

导读:今天是节后工作日的第一天。由于闰年的原因,今年中秋节和国庆节重叠,造成了长达8天的假期。很多小伙伴在这么多天的放松之后,回到工作和学习的岗位上,不免会患上“节后综合症”(Post-holiday Syndrome)。

美国俚语词典(Urban Dictionary)对于Post-holiday syndrome的定义是:




A: Dude, I cannot possibly go to school now! I haven't gone to bed before 3:00 AM in the last two weeks! All this partying has been killing me!


B: You're not the only one with a Post-holiday Syndrome...



再让我们聚到这个单词:Post-holiday Syndrome

先来看post-holiday,按照严谨的写法,post和holiday中间是要有一条连字符的,post是英文中一个常见的前缀,表示“后…”,比如post-graduate表示“研究生”,即“本科生之后”,post-modern表示“后现代的”,post-war,表示“后战争时期”;当然,post还可以表示“邮件、邮政”之意,post office--“邮政所”;post card--“明信片”。

再来看看syndrome,表示“综合症”,台湾地区称之为“症候群”,当出现一个病症时,同时会伴有另外几个病症,这一系列病症是定型的,医生会对其进行统一观察,常见的综合症比如Down Syndrome(唐氏综合症--先天愚型);另外还有一些“综合症”可能是一些心理问题,比如:Peter Pan Syndrome(彼得潘综合症--不想长大);Stockholm Syndrome(斯德哥尔摩综合症--被害者对犯罪者产生感情)

Post-holiday Syndrome可能既牵扯到生理(失眠、犯困、头晕),又牵扯到心理(不想上班、不想工作、不想学习)的病态。英文中还有holiday blues、holiday depression等术语来表示(*blues和depression都表示“忧郁”)。
这是一个全球人民都会遇到的困惑,著名网站wikihow,有一篇文章叫:how to cope with post-holiday syndrome(如何应对节后综合症),给我们支了几招:

01 look back on past experience 回顾过往经验

Look at your past experiences to enlighten you as to your normal post-holiday feelings. Do you always fall into a slump after the holiday season? If you have spent period after last two holidays in despair, then the chances of this post-holiday period continuing in despair are high. Look carefully about what you did last time and what relaxed you. And realize that generally this is a phase that is easily fixed.


*look at:回顾

*past experience:过往经验

*as to:为了

*in despair:绝望地

*fall in to a slump:进入低迷期

*the chances of…are high:…的几率是很高的

*…is easily fixed:…是很容易解决的

02 make some changes 做出一些改变


Take it easy when you're settling back down into your usual routine. Your more rested self is a good thing and gives you an opportunity to take a renewed perspective on your work, routine, study, or home life pace. Perhaps the break has given you perspective on your life, job, relationships etc. If so, this is a good time to consider making changes to improving your situation, especially because not making the changes can prolong your blues.


*take it easy:放轻松

*settle back down into:重新回归(一种什么状态)

*usual routine:常规事务、常规工作生活节奏

*rested self:放松的自我

*take a renewed perspective on:对…采取更新的观点

*make changes to:对…作出改变


03 stay connected with family and friends  继续跟亲友保持联系


Some of the post-holiday season blues might be related to having been surrounded by many people over the holiday. Lift your spirits by continuing to stay connected with friends and family, and getting out and doing activities with other people who interact with you.


*post-holiday season blues:节后抑郁

*be related to:跟…有关

*lift one’s spirits:振奋精神

*stay connected with:跟…保持联系

04 Do things that give you a thrill  做一些让你恢复活力的事情


Revive your anticipation of excitement by arranging fun activities, such as having dinner with friends, starting a new class for a hobby or interest, attending a sporting event regularly, going to the movies, etc. Choose activities that meet your budget and interests, and that you know will give you a thrill.



*anticipation of excitement:对激动人心的人或事的一种期待

*arranging activities:组织有趣的活动

*meet your budget and interests:不超预算、又有趣

*give someone a thrill:让某人打起精神

05 make healthy choices 做一些有益健康的选择


Eat away your blues. Eat foods that make you feel good. Suitable foods include bananas, poultry, dairy produce, and peas. Keep exercising. Exercise will give you the mood-boost and gets you moving again.


*eat away:痛快地吃、尽情地吃

*give someone the mood-boost:改善某人的情绪

06 sort out the finances 梳理你的财务情况


If you didn't plan too well for the holidays and find yourself deep down in the debt rack, get financial advice immediately and start to sort out the finances sooner rather than later. It might reduce the indulgences for now but this is probably the best time to think about the consequences of indulgences!


*deep down in the debt rack:负债累累

*sort out the finances:梳理财务情况


07 expect to enjoy the days ahead 乐观地往前看


Trying to keep a positive frame of mind and planning for interesting and fulfilling events is a good way to calm your current blues. Think ahead to the sorts of things you'd like to be doing as the day moves on, and the sorts of activities you'd like to be a part of.


*keep a positive frame of mind:保持良好心态

*calm blues:缓解压抑、郁闷的情绪

*think ahead to…:事先考虑

*would like to be a part of:想要参与

希望大家尽快度过节后综合症(post-holiday syndrome),节假日就像一场梦,梦总是要醒的,而日常的工作、学习生活虽然貌似无聊,但却是最真实的。只有工作好、学习好了,才有资本去做下一个美梦。
