


1,"attractive",adj 有吸引力的

2,"attribute",n 属性,性质;v 归于
【例】David attributed his success to the unity of all the staff 大卫说他之所以获得成功是由于全体员工工作的结果。
【参】attributionn 归因);distributevt 分发);tributen 贡品)
【反】exculpatev 使无罪);attribute guilt(归罪)"

3,"attrition",n 消磨,磨损(通过磨擦作用擦掉或消耗掉);消耗
【例】The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
【根】attrit磨擦-磨损。参:contritionn 悔悟;后悔) "

4,"attune",vt (为乐器)调音;使协调
【例】an industry that is not attuned to the demands of the market 与市场需求不协调的工业

5,"atypical",adj 非典型的(不标准的,不正常的与类型不符的)

6,"auction",n 拍卖(将物品卖给最高出价者的公开出售)
【例】auction sth off 把某物拍卖掉
【参】augmentv 增加,增大);augustn 八月)"

7,"audacious",adj 大胆鲁莽的(常指不顾结果的大胆)=daredevil
【例】audacious behavior 无礼的行为

【反】circumspectadj 慎重周到的)『meticulous极为慎重的』;timidadj 胆小的)"

8,"audacity",n 大胆,鲁莽=temerity
【例】He had the audacity to pick pockets in broad daylight 他竟敢在光天化日之下掏包。


9,"audible",adj 听得见的=auralauricular


10,"audit",v 审计(对帐务的审查来核实其准确性);旁听(不要求得到学分而参加某一科目学习)"

11,"audition","[5:D0M:Q]n (演员等)试唱,试演
【参】auditoriumn 听众席,观众席);auditn 审计,旁听)